Hold Baggage
Hand Baggage
Adhesives, flammable
Mace, pepper spray not exceeding 118 ml (4 fluid ounces)
Adhesives, nonflammable
School glue, glue sticks, etc.
Aerosolf flammable
Non-toiletry, WD-40, spray paint, spray starch, cooking spray, etc
Aerosols non-flammable
Non-toiletry, some electronics cleaners, whipped cream
Alcoholic beverages
In unopened retail packaging, containing more than 24% but not more than 70% alcohol by volume (up to 140 proof)
Biological specimens, non-infectious in preservative solutions
Containing formaldehyde, ethanol, isopropanol, or other alcohols
Chemical kits containing hazardous materials
Water test kits, soil test kits, children’s chemistry sets, etc. when containing hazardous materials
Dry Ice
Carbon dioxide, solid, 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs) or less, when used to pack perishables
Firecrackers, bottle rockets, poppers, sparklers, M-80s, fire crackers, Roman candles
Formaldehyde solutions,
less than 10%
Instant ice packs (using ammonium nitrate)
Instant/rapid ice packs that are activated by force when used for medical – first aid purposes
Mercury barometer or thermometer
Carried by government weather bureau or similar official
Oils, nonflammable, non-aerosols
Motor oil, engine oil, baby oil, mineral oil, body oil, olive oil, most cooking oils
Paints and solvents, flammable
Including thinners, turpentine, MEK, denatured alcohol, acetone, resins, lacquers,
Paints and solvents, nonflammable
Watercolors, acrylics, pigments and most artist oil paints
Self defense spray
Mace, pepper spray not exceeding 118 ml (4 fluid ounces)